bring on the night [deluxe sound & vision] / 喧擾夜晚 – 極品豪華版[2cd 1dvd] - sting / 史汀
3cd1&2:收錄搖滾紳士史汀與音樂朋友們共襄盛舉的演唱會「bring on the night」曲目13首
3dvd:「bring on the night」演唱會紀實25首珍貴live畫面與“bring on the night”、“if you love somebody set them free”、“russians”三首mv…等
當1984年揮別警察合唱團之後,史汀單槍投身樂壇,走出更遼闊的天空;1986年,警察合唱團精選輯推出意味著該團劃下句點、分道揚鑣,各自追逐夢想的決心,史汀繼續推出與單飛處女作的眾音樂朋友們共襄盛舉的紀實式的演唱會特輯『bring on the night』,輯裏還把玩警察合唱團名作,還因此輯勇奪葛萊美獎最佳流行男歌手及最佳音樂錄影帶2項殊榮。
1. bring on the night / when the world is running down you make the best of what’s still around 2. news conference 3. if you love somebody set them free 4. low life 5. fortress around your heart 6. love is the seventh wave 7. the flintstones 8. another day 9. shadows in the rain 10. consider me gone 11. driven to tears 12. the big risk 13. opening night 14. shadows in the rain 15. fortress around your heart 16. we work the black seam 17. i burn for you 18. children’s crusade 19. need your love so bad 20. roxanne 21. russians 22. i been down so long 23. if you love somebody set them free 24. demolition man 25. message in a bottle
***[dvd bonus materials]***
[music videos]: “bring on the night”, “if you love somebody set them free”, & “russians”
[original trailer]。[photo gallery]。[original radio spots]。[personal playlist]